

Public speaking has never been my favorite thing to do, but in the spirit of saying YES more, (and no less) I agreed to give a short talk and demo to three groups of high school students at the Art Career Day, hosted by the Whatcom Museum in Bellingham, Washington.  Most of last week I wrote and rewrote my talk and I practiced, practiced, practiced.  What I really wanted to do was go back in time and say NO, or come down with a nasty flu. But on Friday morning I loaded blocks and prints and my stack of note cards into my car and drove myself to Bellingham.  In spite of my jittery nervousness, I can happily report that everything went very well...not too many stoney stares, only one student walked out, (I choose to believe he wandered into the wrong presentation) and I even got a 'thank you' or two.

This week I've been preparing for the moku hanga workshop that I'll be leading at the end of the month. There is so much information I'll need to pack-in to the weekend so in a repeat of last week I am rewriting and reworking my syllabus and practicing, practicing practicing. 

Here's the state of my current print.   I thought I was just about ready to finish it up, but then two little polka dots caught my eye and I do love polka dots.  So now I'm wondering if a few more polka dots are needed?
 And with the vernal equinox just two days away, here is a sketch to welcome the return of longer days.

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