

End 'o October

As much as I dislike the long gloomy northwest winters, this year it’ll be easier to endure because we’ve had such a brilliant October…bright sunny days and exceptional fall color.
Here is a photo of the tip-top of the katsura tree in my front yard. Lovely isn’t it? Historically, it has been a persnickity tree; slow growing, sensitive, out of step with the maples. But this autumn it is my favorite. This year the katsura has outdone itself, taking advantage of the sunny days and cool nights to put on a show of color I’ve never witnessed from it before. Changing from green, to yellow, to orange, to pink, it actually glows. And when I walk by the front door as I pass through my house I pause, wondering if I left the porch light on, (again) before I remember that it’s the katsura tree reflecting all the warm light into my house.

…of course now most of these leaves are on the ground. sigh.

Here is something I will be thinking about as I return to my regular work schedule.

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